We're looking for people
to try Oticon Real™

Try Oticon Real in one of our clinics

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Oticon Real

Answer four short questions to find out how you can try Oticon Real™ in one of our clinics.

Question 1
1: Do you have trouble following conversations when there are more than four people?
2: Have friends or family noticed changes in your hearing?
3: Do you ever struggle to understand what other people are saying?
4: Do you turn up the TV even though the volume is loud enough for others?


Request a complimentary hearing assessment to get started.

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Your result

Your answers suggest, you don’t need hearing aids. You are welcome to book a hearing test in case you think its relevant

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Why should you try Oticon Real™?

Supports the brain's way of working
Research tells us that the brain needs access to the full sound scene to naturally make sense of sounds1, so Oticon Real™ opens it up for you.
Great clarity, even when it's windy
With the world’s first wind and handling noise prevention feature, you don't have to worry about wind, hair, etc. affecting your sound quality.2
Less disruptions and more focus
Disruptive sounds are quickly detected and processed using built-in artificial intelligence, so you can stay focused, sharp, and comfortable.3
Control at your fingertips
Easily control and personalize your hearing aids, find them if they're lost, chat with a hearing care expert with the latest app, and charge on the go.

We work with award-winning hearing aid brands

Starkey Logo

1. O’Sullivan, J., et al. (2019); Hausfeld, L., et al. (2018); Puvvada, K. C. & Simon, J. Z. (2017).
2. Gade et al. (2023). Wind & Handling Stabilizer – Evidence and user benefits. Oticon Whitepaper.
3. Santurette et al. (2023). SuddenSound Stabilizer – Evidence and user benefits. Oticon Whitepaper.