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You Won’t Believe These Facts About Hearing Loss!

Image shows a man wearing his Oticon Opn S hearing aid comfortably in his ear

Did you know?

Out of everyone who suffers with hearing loss, hearing aid owners are:

  • More likely to regularly engage in positive activities, like exercising and socialising
  • Less likely to feel embarrassed or rejected due to hearing loss
  • More likely to experience an improved quality of life, ability to communicate more easily, and willingness to engage in conversation and group activities

Modern hearing aids, like the Oticon Opn S, help you overcome hearing loss obstacles. You can rejoin the conversation again, even in difficult listening environments.

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Image shows Oticon Opn S rechargeable hearing aids

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You can try the Oticon Opn S at any of our 280+ locations in the UK.  Find your region and book your free hearing test today.


1. Juul Jensen (2018). Closing a gap to normal hearing. Oticon White Paper.