How to change programs on your behind-the-ear miniRite hearing aids

1. Your hearing aid’s different programs will have been set by your hearing care expert.
2. To change the program on your Oticon miniRITE hearing aids, simply hold the push button for three seconds until you hear a beep.
3. You can have up to four programs and you’ll hear one beep for program 1, two beeps for program 2, three beeps for program 3 etc.
4. If you have two hearing aids, the right hearing aid will go up through the programs (1 to 2, 2 to 3 etc.) and the left will go down (4 to 3, 3 to 2 etc.). You’ll have a maximum of four programs.
5. Programs can be changed while the hearing aid is in your ear.
6. If you have any queries about your hearing aid’s programs, please contact us.

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