
Luna – our sponsored puppy (update)

Contributed by James Pocock

05/07/2021 • 3 min read

Who are Hearing Dogs for Deaf People?

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People are our current charity partner. They train clever dogs to work alongside deaf people, and the charity currently has almost 1,000 working hearing dog partnerships nationwide.

Claire Foster, Hidden Hearing’s Marketing Director, says “We share a common purpose with Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, in offering life-changing solutions to those people affected with hearing loss.   The charity caters for the wider needs of those with a profound hearing loss, an area we feel is vitally important and in need of greater support.  It’s a perfect fit for us.”

As well as alerting deaf people to important and life-saving sounds (smoke alarms, oven timers, baby monitors, etc.), hearing dogs also give companionship and emotional support, helping deaf people fend off loneliness which is so often associated with hearing loss.

Meet Luna

We’re sponsoring a puppy, Luna (who was named by Hidden Hearing staff), through her extensive training to become a hearing dog. 

Luna, who was born in June ’21, lives with a new family while attending her training, and is fitting in really well – although she’s keeping them busy! She’s coming out of her shell more and more.

How you can help support Hearing Dogs, and puppies like Luna!

Hearing Dogs joined the National Campaign for Better Hearing last summer – the campaign, supported by Hidden Hearing, encourages people to take a hearing test, especially over 55s. But it also helps raise money for Hearing Dogs. For every short, five-minute hearing screening taken, £1 was donated to Hearing Dogs.

The cost of training a hearing dog is around £40,000, so the charity relies heavily on donations and support.

That’s why for every friend who you refer for a free test at Hidden Hearing, we donate £1 to Hearing Dogs, as well as donating £10 for every sale made that comes from a referral.

We’re working towards our fundraising target to name, adopt and train at least one more dog over the next 12 months.

In the meantime, you can keep up to date with Luna’s progress by following us on social media.