Image shows people sitting in an airplane

What To Do With Your Hearing Aids When Flying

Contributed by Dave Cutten

04/07/2022 • 3 min read

Tags • Hearing loss

Are you flying with a hearing aid? Here’s what you need to know.

At the security gate 

Hearing aids are so small nowadays, and therefore contain such little metal, that they shouldn’t set off the metal detector.
However, it’s always a good idea to let the security personnel know that you’re wearing them before passing through the metal detector.

According to the government website, if the airport staff ask to search your hearing aids, you can request that they are searched by hand. While they shouldn’t be damaged by the X-ray machine or metal detectors, it’s at the discretion of the airport to use these to scan your hearing aids.


Passport control

Many airports in the UK now have induction loops installed at the check-in gates, security gates and passport control, making life easier for those with compatible hearing aids.

In the terminal

If you’re worried about missing an announcement, speak to a member of airport staff. Many airports have accessibility programmes in place so that even if you have a hearing impairment, this shouldn’t mean you miss any important information.

On the plane

You shouldn’t need to turn your hearing aid off during your flight, but Bluetooth®-enabled hearing aids should be put in flight mode so that they can’t send or receive signals from your phone, for example. 

Some people turn the volume down on their hearing aids on planes due to the noise of the plane’s engines. If you do this, it could be worth letting any flight attendants know that you have a hearing loss, just in case there’s an emergency.

Last but not least, remember to pack spare batteries and, most importantly, enjoy your trip!